1. Session packages are only valid at the Muscle Pharm HQ facility, unless specified otherwise.

2. For all matters relating to the products and services provided by Grow With O Health & Fitness you should contact – info@growwitho.com

3. It is the responsibility of the client to do all that is necessary to fully understand the terms of this agreement, this may involve seeking professional legal advice.

4. The non-exercise of or delay in exercising any power or right of a party does not operate as a waiver of that power or right, nor does any single exercise of any power or right preclude any other or further exercise of it; or the exercise of any other power or right. A power or right may only be waived in writing, signed by the party to be bound by the waiver.

5. Should any provision of this agreement be held by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be unlawful, invalid, and unenforceable or in conflict with any rule, statute, ordinance or regulation the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions will not be affected.


1. Trainer will utilize their skills, knowledge and experience in preparation and the conducting of training sessions in a way that will take into account Clients personal goals, fitness level, ability and preferences as well as any injuries or potential limitations on training as identified by the Client.

2. The role of the trainer is to provide coaching, supervision, advice and support that the Client may need to help them in performing exercises correctly and safely in efforts to progress and achieve their goals.

3. Trainer will prepare a structured workout plan or training program for the client based on the information gathered from the Questionnaire and ‘Assessment Process’ to be undertaken at the initial stages of joining Grow With O Health & Fitness.

4. Osamoje is not a licensed nutritionist nor a registered dietitian, however nutritional guidance and advice can be provided at the request of Clients that have purchased training packages.

5. Client progress will be closely monitored and training programs will be revised, amended and adjusted accordingly.

6. All personal information of the Client will be kept private and confidential, however in instances relating to genuine health concerns pertaining to the Client, the Trainer may be required to disclose some information to Allied Health Professions for advice, referrals or second-opinions.

7. Client training sessions will be conducted, supervised and facilitated by Trainer for duration of 60 minutes, unless otherwise specified or arranged between the Client and Trainer.

8. Weekly-Check In’s will be conducted if expressly requested by the Client or, alternatively, if the Client completes one of the provided Check-In documents and emails it to the responsible Trainer.

9. Trainer will be in constant communication with Client to ensure that they can monitor progress while the Client is external of the facility. This is a matter to be determined between the Trainer and Client to arrange communication frequency and methods that will best suit the Client, their lifestyle and their goals.

10. Clients must park in designated car parks only and do all that is reasonably necessary to abide by Muscle Pharm’s traffic conditions.


1. It is important that the Client’s answers provided in the Liability Waiver are honest and accurate, disclosing any information that is, or may be deemed relevant to the Client’s undertaking of physical activities under Grow With O Health & Fitness.

2. Trainer may recommend that clearance of advice from a doctor or medical professional be sought, however Client is responsible for seeking such clearance or advice prior to undertaking physical activity, nutritional or physical intervention at Grow With O Health & Fitness to prevent risk of illness or injury.

3. Participate in the Assessment Process or any other screening that the Trainer deems relevant or sufficient to clear the Client for training.

4. Dress appropriately and bring a sweat towel or other reasonably requested equipment or apparel.

5. Bring any medication, or medical equipment that may become necessary throughout physical activity.

6. The Client is required to arrive on time to each training session so that the full session can be achieved. It may be preferable (if possible) for Clients to arrive early to warm up or to allow time to complete any pre-habilitation, rehabilitation or other assigned exercises.

7. The client is required to wear appropriate clothing and footwear. Footwear should be comfortable and provide adequate support. Please ensure footwear is clean before entering training facility.

8. If a client elects to utilize their Grow With O Training Program outside of sessions supervised by Grow With O Health & Fitness, then it will become the responsibility of the Client to keep safe, maintain and accurately monitor details of their training program.


1. All clients must complete the Questionnaire provided which will be sent electronically to the provided email, and in doing so provide as much information that may be relevant.

2. If the Trainer recommends or refers the client to a third-party practitioner for assessment or treatment it is the clients responsibility to follow this up and the Trainer is deemed to have done all that is reasonably necessary.

3. Grow With O Health & Fitness, and any of its subsidiaries reserve the right to refuse service to a client if it is reasonably believed to be appropriate given the information available to them. This refusal will be communicated to the client as soon as it becomes apparent to the concerned Grow With O representative, and may invoke the ‘Late Cancellation’ policy depending on the circumstances and reasons for the refusal.


1. To cancel a pre-booked or scheduled session with the trainer with no charge or cancellation fee Grow With O Health & Fitness requires minimum of 24 hours notice.

2. Notice of Cancellation must be made either: a. in person at the concerned Grow With O Health & Fitness facility with the relevant Trainer or, b. in writing via electronic communication, being either email or text message.

3. If a Cancellation is made inside after expiration of the notice period it will be deemed a ‘Late Cancellation’ and the session will be charged accordingly.

4. Rescheduling of sessions must be completed outside the 24 hour notice period described above to avoid incurring a late cancellation charge.

5. Clients may be requested by their Trainer to reschedule or vary session times in order to accommodate other clients or other extraneous circumstances that may arise. In such instances we appreciate Client co-operation and are willing to reciprocate as reasonable.

6. If for any reason the Trainer is unable to attend the session the Trainer will notify the Client as soon as possible, and endeavor to reschedule the session to another time that suits both parties.

7. If a Client is late to their scheduled session time, no extension of time is to be provided by the trainer, and the session will accordingly end at the allotted time.

8. If the trainer is late to the Client scheduled session time, additional time will be added to the session to ensure the minimum duration is met.

11. If at any time throughout training the Client feels uncomfortable performing a movement, has or is concerned with risking injury, is not otherwise satisfied with the performance of the Trainer it is the responsibility of the Client to bring this to the attention of the Trainer.